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Mental health Dutch population reasonably stable despite Covid-19 crisis

Published: 03rd March 2021 Last updated: 03rd March 2021

At the end of 2020 around 17% of the adult population in the Netherlands was suffering from mild to severe feelings of fear and depression. In addition around 6% reported severe symptoms of fear and depression. Furthermore 21% suffered from regular sleeping problems and over 31% from tiredness. But these percentages dit not differ from those of 2018 and 2019, a new scientific study has shown. The study has been carried out by CentERdata, Tilburg University and Nivel. The results show that the mental health of the Dutch population in general is reasonably stable despite the Covid-19 crisis, even though some people suffer from problems they didn't have before the crisis.

For more information see the Dutch version of this news item.

Or take a look at the study itself:

The prevalence, incidence and risk factors of mental health problems and mental health services use before and 9 months after the COVID-19 outbreak among the general Dutch population. A 3-wave prospective study. By Peter G van der Velden, Miquelle Marchand, Marcel Das, Ruud Muffels, Mark Bosmans. See https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.27.21251952v1


Contact information

For more information please contact Dr. Peter G. van der Velden via pg.vandervelden@tilburguniversity.edu, or +31(0)6 51851494.