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Unique collaboration with MIT on gameplay behavior

Published: 27th October 2015 Last updated: 01st May 2019

Press release, October 27th 2015 - A unique and extensive collaboration between the famous MIT Media Lab and Tilburg University has been launched on October 21th, the ‘Project GAMR’. It is an initiative to gain knowledge and insight in how gameplay behavior reflects who a player is.

The core of the project is a website that asks players of specific online games (League of Legends, Battlefield 4, Battlefield: Hardline, or World of Warcraft) to supply information on their demographics and fill out several validated questionnaires. In return, the website supplies them with a profile of their personality, brain type, and gamer type. The information provided is stored in a database, which is then extended with actual gameplay information of the participants, supplied by two of the developers of the games involved: Riot Games and DICE.

With major game developers

The result of this unique collaboration between two research institutes and three major game developers is a database with a high variety of information on players and gameplay, of a size and scope that has not been seen before. It will be used to analyze connections between play styles and cognitive traits, between cognitive traits and behaviors, and between play styles in different types of games. The results from Project GAMR will give a deep insight into the human mind, and will help make (serious) games more engaging and motivating.

Project GAMR is designed and lead by PhD student Shoshannah Tekofsky of the Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication (TiCC) of Tilburg University. The project further involves dr.ir. Pieter Spronck of Tilburg University, and dr. Kevin Slavin of the MIT Media Lab.

Note for the press

For more information, please visit the Project GAMR website at projectgamr.com, or contact dr.ir. Pieter Spronck, e-mail: p.spronck@tilburguniversity.edu at Tilburg University.