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Tilburg University invests €8 million in Widespread Prosperity

Published: 18th July 2022 Last updated: 18th July 2022

Current, complex developments such as the climate crisis, rising demand for care, labor market shortages, growing inequality, and digitalization require new solutions. Over the next five years, Tilburg University will release approximately 8 million euros to enable interdisciplinary collaboration and address these issues together with partners. In doing so, the university is fulfilling its task and ambition to be of social significance and contribute to greater welfare, a better labor market, and a social energy transition, all components Widespread Prosperity. The connection between science and practice is thus further reinforced in collaboration with partners from government, education, and industry.

Jantine Schuit, Vice-Rector Magnificus of Tilburg University: "University-wide Academic Collaborative Centers have been set up to stimulate collaboration, knowledge development, and knowledge sharing, each with a clear objective. In the coming years, with this substantial financial boost, the Academic Collaborative Centers will be able to contribute to issues that are of value to people, such as health, climate, a pleasant living environment and work. Widespread Prosperity is not only about well-being in the 'here and now' but also about the well-being of people outside our region and future generations."

Each Collaborative Center enters into a multi-year collaboration with external partners with whom a multi-year research agenda is drawn up in co-creation. At each collaborative center, Tilburg University contributes to knowledge development from different disciplines. The link between different disciplines and between science and practice is necessary to contribute to the solution of complex social issues. Partner organizations can not only contribute directly to research, for example, with practical cases, but they can also let their employees participate in research and education. In addition, events such as inspiration meetings and educational activities are organized and developed for both students and partners. In this way, students can work with challenges from the partner organizations.

Widespread prosperity

The university-wide Academic Collaborative Centers have as their overarching theme “Widespread Prosperity.” More and more public and private organizations are embracing the concept of “widespread prosperity” as a guiding framework and compass for a more sustainable course. The focus is not on the highest return but on social impact, a sustainable living environment, and a society with equal opportunities and work for everyone.

With this in mind, Tilburg University, in collaboration with social knowledge enterprise Het PON & Telos, launched the Academic Collaborative Center Widespread Prosperity at Work and the Academic Collaborative Center Inclusive Labor Market. Meanwhile, the first social partnerships have been concluded at both Collaborative Centers. Collaborative Energy Transition & Climate and Digital Health & Mental Well-being are also being set up.

More information about the academic workshops can be found on our website.

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Note to editors

For more information, contact Imre van der Meulen, spokesperson for the Tilburg University Executive Board, Imre.vdrmeulen@tilburguniversity.edu or at 013-466 26 13.