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Recognition & Rewards

Experiences of staff members and video's

Read about the experiences of staff members with the way of recognizing and rewarding. The articles highlight examples and role models, as well as dilemmas that arise.

Read about the experiences of staff members:

The words of academics

On this page, you can hear the words of academics on Recognition & Rewards. In these videos, a number of Tilburg University academics share what Recognition & Rewards means to them. They are asked what they hope Recognition & Rewards will mean for them in their careers, but also what it will mean for Tilburg University and for academia in general.  

Michèle Nuijten on Recognition & Rewards

Hans van Dijk on Recognition & Rewards

Ian Sumner on Recognition & Rewards

Esther Keymolen on Recognition & Rewards

Bart Engelen on Recognition & Rewards

We look forward to hearing from you!

If you have any questions, comments or would like to share your views please contact drs. Marjan van Hunnik