dr. Elger Abrahamse

Universitair docent

TSHD: Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences
TSHD: Department of Communication and Cognition

Telefoonnummer: +31134663868 Secretariaat: +31134663868 E.L.Abrahamse@tilburguniversity.edu Kamer D 409


Recente publicaties

  1. Associative Visuomotor Learning Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulati…

    Held, L. K., Cracco, E., Bardi, L., Kiraga, M., Cristianelli, E., Brass, M., Abrahamse, E. L., & Braem, S. (2024). Associative Visuomotor Learning Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Induces Stimulus-Response Interference. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36(3), 522-533.
  2. Ranking-space - magnitude makes sense through spatially scaffolded ra…

    Abrahamse, E., & van Dijck, J.-P. (2023). Ranking-space: magnitude makes sense through spatially scaffolded ranking. Frontiers in psychology , 14, Article 1224254.
  3. Testing the dopamine overdose hypothesis in action control - A study …

    Ruitenberg, M. F. L., Abrahamse, E. L., Santens, P., & Notebaert, W. (2023). Testing the dopamine overdose hypothesis in action control: A study in people with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neuropsychology, 17(2), 264-278.
  4. Tenacious instructions - How to dismantle newly instructed task rules?

    Abrahamse, E., Braem, S., Houwer, J. D., & Liefooghe, B. (2022). Tenacious instructions: How to dismantle newly instructed task rules? Journal of Experimental Psychology-General, 151(11), 2812-2822.
  5. Statistics Anxiety in Flanders - Exploring Its Level, Antecedents, an…

    van Dijck, J.-P., Abrahamse, E., Kesteloot, S., Willems, R., & Fias, W. (2022). Statistics Anxiety in Flanders: Exploring Its Level, Antecedents, and Performance Impact Across Professional and Academic Bachelor Programs in Psychology. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 14(3), 363-385. https://www.iejee.com/index.php/IEJEE/article/view/1745

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