dr. Robin Bauwens

dr. Robin Bauwens

Universitair docent

TSB: Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
TSB: Department of Human Resource Studies


Robin is Assistant Professor HRM at the Department of Human Resource Studies, Tilburg University (The Netherlands). He gained his PhD in Business Economics from Ghent University (Belgium) doing research on performance management in higher education. His current research focuses on how technology affects employees' well-being and performance at work. In particular, how this affects the role of HRM and leadership within organizations undergoing digitization.


Recente publicaties

  1. Five decades of leadership and ‘disruptive’ technology - From e-leade…

    Bauwens, R., & Cortellazzo, L. (Accepted/In press). Five decades of leadership and ‘disruptive’ technology: From e-leadership and virtual team leadership to current conversations on digital leadership. In T. Bondarouk, & J. Meijerink (Eds.), Research handbook on human resource management and disruptive technologies Edward Publishing.
  2. Performance management systems, innovative work behavior and the role…

    Bauwens, R., Audenaert, M., & Decramer, A. (2023). Performance management systems, innovative work behavior and the role of transformational leadership: An experimental approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. Advance online publication.
  3. Wat heeft de medewerker nodig? Themanummer ‘De nieuwe kleren van de l…

    Bauwens, R., Decuypere, A., & van Engen, M. (2023). Wat heeft de medewerker nodig? Themanummer ‘De nieuwe kleren van de leider (m/v/x): Leiderschap in tijden van digitalisering, globalisering en flexibilisering’ (deel 1). Gedrag en Organisatie, 36(4), 301-307. ,
  4. Wie bekommert zich om het digitale welzijn van de kinderbegeleiders?

    Bauwens, R. (Accepted/In press). Wie bekommert zich om het digitale welzijn van de kinderbegeleiders? Vakblad Kinderopvang en Onderwijs.
  5. Stronger together - A multilevel study of collective strengths use an…

    Meyers, C., van Woerkom, M., & Bauwens, R. (2023). Stronger together: A multilevel study of collective strengths use and team performance. Journal of Business Research, 159, Article 113728.

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