Tilburg University Gender and Diversity

D&I policy

Over the last years, Tilburg University followed the Gender & Diversity Roadmap 2018 - 2021, a roadmap with information on where we are and with pathways to diversify our academic community. There are substantial accomplishments: organizational responsibility; women in top decision-making positions; extra senior positions for female academics via two rounds of the Philip Eijlander Diversity Program; and a more diverse composition of selection committees. 

However, we realize that not all goals of the roadmap have been reached yet. In the new Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027 policies in the area of diversity and inclusion will be continued and further expanded.

Together with all Schools, work has been done on drafting a D&I action plan. This plan includes several concrete actions in the areas of recruitment, selection, promotion and outflow that help to increase the number of women in senior positions and reach the target of 28% female professors by 2025. D&I refers to diversity, inclusion, equality and equity.

Furthermore, as part of the European Commission's strategy for gender equality, the European Commission has decided to further promote gender equality in research and innovation. Accordingly, within Tilburg University, a Gender Equality Plan for the period 2022 - 2025 has been drawn up: