NU 2024 close-up

Science Slam 2024

Our university is home to innovative, bright, and creative minds. In this session, we challenge five researchers to explain a scientific problem or fact in a clarifying, creative, and entertaining way.

  • Time: 19:00-20:00
  • Location: DZ-1, Dante
  • Category: Night Talk
  • Language: English

Every presenter gets eight minutes to present their current research and win the hearts of the audience. You can vote for the one that you find the most captivating. Presented by Richard Engelfriet, and featuring PhD candidates from the different Schools of our university.

Science Slam 2023


  • Lisa Vos

    Lisa Vos

    PhD student at the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

    Lisa Vos is a PhD student at the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Her research focuses on understanding how people interpret socio-emotional information in their everyday lives, and how this relates to mental health, emotional experiences, and interpersonal difficulties within close relationships. Lisa’s talk will address the topic of depression and interpreting social situations in daily life.

  • Jiahe Wang

    Jiahe Wang

    PhD student in strategy and entrepreneurship at Tilburg School of Economics and Management

    Jiahe Wang completed a research master’s degree in business (organization and strategy) at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management. He is now a PhD candidate in strategy and entrepreneurship at the same school. Jiahe’s research mainly investigates how emerging entrepreneurs obtain financial and other resources from external stakeholders,  via configurations of signaling and narratives in contexts such as equity crowdfunding and pitching competition. This will also be the focus of his talk. 

  • Sonali Kulkarni

    Sonali Kulkarni

    PhD student at the Department of Culture Studies at the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences

    Sonali Kulkarni is a PhD student at the Department of Culture Studies at the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences. She is interested in children's literature and the platformisation of reading and literary cultures, for example BookTok (the literary subculture on TikTok). In her PhD, she investigates the platformisation of reading and how this (paradoxically) relates to the practice of re-reading books, in particular adults re-reading children's and young adult books, to draw on a framework of age, affect, attention, and affordance.

  • Valentina Sanchez

    Valentina Sanchez Melchor

    PhD student at the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences

    Valentina Sanchez Melchor is a PhD student at the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. Her current research is on Graph Neural Networks and Brain Networks. Before this, she completed an MSc in Data Science and AI at Queen Mary, University of London. During the Science Slam, she will talk about the paper she is currently working on, titled 'Data Augmentation Techniques for fMRI Data in Machine Learning applications: A Technical Survey', which evaluates all the existing techniques for creating synthetic fMRI data. Functional MRI (fMRI) measures brain activity. 

The Science Slam is organized by Studium Generale & TiPP (Tilburg PhD-platform).

Night University 2024

This program is part of Night University, Tilburg University’s ultimate campus and science festival. We open our doors to everyone, from young to old, free for everyone! Theme: Facts and Fables!