woman with camera

The Executive Board on the war between Israel and Hamas

Published: 07th November 2023 Last updated: 07th November 2023

The war between Israel and Hamas is heartbreaking and, understandably, continues to arouse emotions, also within our academic community. We are all deeply affected by the violent images and the harrowing stories. As the Executive Board, we fervently hope that all the violence and hate will end soon and that dialogue may result in solutions that will lead to lasting peace. We have received reactions, requests for support, and expressions of feelings of people who feel unsafe. We want to express our concerns and our sympathy for all who feel personally impacted via family, friends, or other connections in the region. We also urge our colleagues and students to continue to be caring and connected and to treat each other with consideration and respect.

Our university is committed to being a safe place for all our students and staff, regardless of their origin, background, or political beliefs. A place of open dialogue, where there is no room for calls for discrimination, hate and violence, or threatening or intimidating behavior in whatever form. We want to offer opportunities for academic dialogue, safeguarding independent thinking and critical debate and analysis. We also encourage our scientists to share their expertise, because they can play an important role in interpreting this conflict. 

Organizing academic meetings

We support initiatives for academic meetings, lectures, and debates to talk about the background and context of this complex conflict. Meetings must be respectful and inclusive, be aimed at sharing knowledge, and meet Tilburg University’s house rules. This is our shared responsibility. We may disagree with each other, but without ignoring or denying the other's experience and pain and without discriminating against each other. 

Please note: When organizing an event, please comply with Tilburg University’s rules and regulations and the Code of Conduct and remember to apply in advance and in a timely manner to Conference & Event Support via cesupport@tilburguniversity.edu. Besides the importance we attach to academic freedom and the freedom of scientific research, we also want to be able to ensure the safety of all our staff and students.

Concerns, questions, and support

The Concerns about the Israeli and Palestinian conflict | Tilburg University page contains information on where you, as a student or member of staff, can go to with any concerns or questions you may have or for support.