aw technological and social innovation for mental health

Technological and Social Innovation for Mental Health

The Academic Working Place ‘Technological and Social Innovation for Mental Health’ within Tranzo works in co-creation with practice in order to develop and exchange knowledge on the topic of technological and social innovation.

The Academic Working Place  ‘Technological and Social Innovation for Mental Health’ is a long term, structural interuniversity collaboration. The collaborating partners aim for substantive deepening in order to connect practice (GGzE) and science (Center for Humans and Technology, TU/e and Tranzo, TSB, TiU), and to connect technological innovation (Center for Humans and Technology, TU/e and social innovation (Tranzo, TSB, TiU). 

Mental health care lacks innovative ability in a time of changing societal relations, customer demands and many technological developments. GGzE, TU/e (Center for Humans and Technology) and Tilburg University (Tranzo) focus on the large potential benefits that social and technological innovations could effectuate for health care and (self) support for mental health. Together they aim to achieve significant progress in improving the quality of live for many people who suffer from mental health problems.

The Academic Working Place performs research on the following three topics:

  • Transition in (mental) health care
  • Healthy environment
  • Personalized (mental) health care

Three professors and five seniors join the Tranzo part of the Academic Collaborative Center

  • Prof. dr. I.M.B. (Inge) Bongers
    Chair 'Sustainable Innovation for Mental Health'
    Endowed Chair 'Evidence-based management in (mental) health care'
    Sustainable innovation for care and wellbeing, Connection between social and technological innovation, Multi-stakeholder approach, Transformation in care
  • Prof. dr. E.J.M. (Eveline) Wouters
    Chair 'Successful technological innovations in healthcare'
    User-perspective for technological innovations
  • Prof. dr. B. (Brigitte) Boon
    Endowed chair 'Data and technology for person-centred and sustainable disability care'
  • Dr. J.J.P.A. (Joyce) Bierbooms
    Mental health care, E-Mental Health, E-learning for mental health professionals
  • Dr. A.D. (Andrea) Rozema
    Healthy environment, behavioral influence, addiction, prevention, policy implementation
  • Dr. ing. L.J.A.E. (Liselore) Snaphaan
    Dementia, User based co-design, “Brabantse Proeftuin Dementie” and “Innovate Dementia”
  • Dr. H.P.E.M (Hilde) Spitters 
    Health policy, Integral collaboration, Inclusive living environment
  • Dr. M.A.P (Miel) Vugts
    Serious Games, Implementation and Enlarging Innovation, Realist Evaluation


Knowledge exchange within Tranzo is important: - Symposia - Promotions and inaugurations