University Library

Web guide Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS)

Liberal Arts and Sciences is an interdisciplinary program: issues are examined by using insights from multiple academic disciplines or schools of thought, whether they are insights from philosophy, culture, economics, or law. This approach also has implications for searching information and the selection of appropriate information sources.

To support you in searching relevant information this web guide:

  • offers an overview of selected databases for each discipline
  • provides for each database a brief description of its contents
  • refers to online tutorials
  • offers information on referencing, support and library services
Business and Management
  • Factiva: news and business information from 200 countries, in 26 languages – including newspapers, journals and magazines, company reports, websites, blogs, and multimedia.

  • EconLit (EBSCO): references to journal articles, book, book reviews, dissertations, working papers on economics and econometrics.
  • Factiva: news and business information from 200 countries, in 26 languages – including newspapersjournals and magazines, company reports, websites, blogs, and multimedia.

  • EconLit (EBSCO): references to journal articles, book, book reviews, dissertations, working papers on economics and econometrics.
  • EconPapers: access to RePEc, the largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software. Contains bibliographic information and abstracts of publications. Partly full text.
  • MUSE: full text journal articles on humanities and social sciences.

  • Philosopher's Index (EBSCO): references to journal articles, books, and book chapters on logic, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of social science, history, law, religion.

  • PhilPapers: research tool in philosophy, with the option to search for articles from philosophy journals, personal website, online archives, and from user submissions to the PhilPapers database. Use the advanced search page to set up your searches.

Social Sciences
  • ECLAS: references to articles, books and other publications and information on European Union law.
  • Hein Online: access to the full text of nearly 650 American legal periodicals.
  • Westlaw - section World Journals: full text law journals mainly covering the USA, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, United Kingdom and the European Union. 
  • Oxford Journals - section Law: full text of over 50 law journals.
General databases
  • RefCite: online course on using and referencing sources and avoiding plagiarism
  • Citing sources: information on how to cite sources and citation style, such as the APA-style.
  • Reference managers: to collect and manage references and for compiling reference lists bibliographies, you can use a reference manager. There are a lot of different reference managers systems, some freely available on the internet. The reference manager that you can use as a Tilburg University student is Endnote (Web)
Support, tools and library services

Writing and information skills

  • You can find everything about writing and information skills at the Scriptorium. The website offers a wide range of tips and tricks, tools, tutorials, links to courses and you can make an appointment for personal counseling

Online tutorials on information literacy

  • Searching for scholarly information in specialized databases.
    Tutorial on how to locate the most important subject-oriented databases for your program.

  • Tackling Information Problems: Becoming Information Literate (TIP module)
    How to become information literate? This tutorial contains a detailed explanation of the various steps in the process of searching for scholarly information.

Library services

  • Interlibrary Loan: Ordering books and scans of journal articles from other libraries.