Dies Natalis 2023

Video: Prosperity or Wellbeing – Dies Natalis 2023

Published: 28th November 2023 Last updated: 14th December 2023

The theme of Tilburg University's 96th Dies Natalis was 'Experiencing Broad Prosperity'. At the end of the ceremony, Prof dr. Antoinette de Bont and Prof. Dr. Lex Meijdam gave the presentation "Prosperity or wellbeing: why broader is better." They provided a surprising perspective on the topic of broad prosperity and Tilburg University's program of the same name.

Telling a personal story and offering specific insights, De Bont and Meijdam began their presentation with a look back at the past, before leaping to the present and future through a series of impressive images. They provide insights into the questions: What is broad prosperity? Why is Tilburg University putting broad prosperity on the agenda? And how can Tilburg University use interdisciplinary research and co-creation to help tackle challenges on the road towards sustainability, universal social security, and other development goals?

Dies Natalis 2023

In a short period of time, the world has changed tremendously. But did economies of scale and industrialization only bring our ancestors prosperity and happiness? 

- Antoinette de Bont

We’re increasingly realizing that economic growth comes at the expense of our social and natural capital. 

- Lex Meijdam


Video compilation "Prosperity or Wellbeing"

Contributing to broad prosperity connected to practice

Guest speakers Dike van de Mheen, Philip Joos and Martijn Groenleer, all connected to the Broad Prosperity Program of Tilburg University, give their perspective on how knowledge development can contribute to the improvement of broad prosperity, by connecting to practice and working interdisciplinary. Martijn Groenleer, academic lead of the Academic Collaborative Center for Climate and Energy, explains how the center is working with more than 10 partners to achieve the ambition of the center: a socially just energy transition that empowers citizens and communities. 

We want to ensure that the energy transition does not come at the expense of certain groups that are already vulnerable, and ask questions for answers that we need for the energy system in the future, in the longer term.

- Martijn Groenleer


Curious about the full recording of the Dies Natalis?

Watch the full ceremony on YouTube