Judit Kende

Judit Kende

Assistant Professor

TSB: Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
TSB: Department of Social Psychology


My research focuses on intergroup relations and equality. I examine how equality influences how people from different social groups relate to each other and how people from different social groups can challenge inequalities together. 

One line of my current work asks when increasing ethno-racial diversity would be seen as threatening by ethno-racial majority members and shows that in more equal contexts, diversity is seen as less threatening. Another line of my work these days investigates when and how social movements can change perceptions of injustice.


Mijn onderzoek richt zich op intergroepsrelaties en gelijkheid. Ik onderzoek hoe gelijkheid beïnvloedt hoe mensen uit verschillende sociale groepen zich tot elkaar verhouden en hoe mensen uit verschillende sociale groepen ongelijkheden samen kunnen bestrijden. 

Eén lijn van mijn huidige werk stelt de vraag wanneer toenemende etno-raciale diversiteit als bedreigend wordt gezien door leden van etno-raciale meerderheden en laat zien dat i



After finishing my studies in Hungary, where I come from, I worked and volunteered for human rights organizations. I completed my PhD in social and cultural psychology at the University of Leuven in 2018. Afterwards I worked at the University of Amsterdam, the University of Lausanne and the Free University of Brussels before starting in Tilburg.

My work was awarded by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues for the best paper in intercultural relations and by the International Academy for Intercultural Research for the best dissertation. 

I received funding for my research from the Flemish Science Fund (FWO), from the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research on migration (Nccr on the move), from the Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoral grant scheme of the European Commission and from the postdoctoral funding of the Science Fund of the Bruxelles-Wallonie Federation (FNRS).


Na mijn studie in Hongarije, waar ik vandaan kom, heb ik gewerkt en vrijwilligerswerk gedaan voor mensenrechtenorganisaties. In 2018 voltooide ik mijn doctoraat in sociale en culturele psychologie aan de Universiteit van Leuven. Daarna werkte ik aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, de Universiteit van Lausanne en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel voordat ik in Tilburg begon.

Mijn werk werd bekroond door de Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues voor de beste paper in interculturele relaties en door de International Academy for Intercultural Research voor de beste dissertatie. 

Ik ontving financiering voor mijn onderzoek van het Vlaams Wetenschapsfonds (FWO), van het Zwitserse National Center of Competence in Research on migration (Nccr on the move), van het Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoraal beurzenprogramma van de Europese Commissie en van de postdoctorale financiering van het Wetenschapsfonds van de Federatie Brussel-Wallonië (FNRS).

Recent publications

  1. The role of difference evasion in cisheterosexual people managing pri…

    Cáceres, E., Kende, J., Sabatés, P. F., Boiger, M., & Doosje, B. (2024). The role of difference evasion in cisheterosexual people managing privilege and legitimizing of inequalities. Manuscript submitted for publication. PsyArXiv Preprints.
  2. When white people experience the weight of the past - The role of whi…

    Cáceres, E., Kende, J., Boiger, M., Hickson, H., Hitschfel, C., & Doosje, B. (2024). When white people experience the weight of the past: The role of white identity strategies in linking colonialism to current racial inequalities. Manuscript submitted for publication. PsyArXiv Preprints.
  3. Immigrant political participation is associated with more positive ma…

    Kende, J., Reiter, J., Coşkan, C., Doosje, B., & Green, E. G. T. (2024). Immigrant political participation is associated with more positive majority immigration attitudes across European countries and Swiss cantons. Comparative Migration Studies, 12(1), Article 5.
  4. The intergroup level - Moral emotions in intergroup relations—the mot…

    Doosje, B., Szekeres, H., Cáceres Quezada, E., Boiger, M., & Kende, J. (2023). The intergroup level: Moral emotions in intergroup relations—the motivations and consequences of advantaged group members' aims to challenge the intergroup inequality. In N. Ellemers, S. Pagliaro, & F. van Nunspeet (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of the Psychology of Morality (1st ed., pp. 179-189). (The Routledge International Handbook of the Psychology of Morality). Routledge.
  5. Show me your friends, I'll tell you your emotions - Emotional fit of …

    Jasini, A., de Leersnyder, J., Gagliolo, M., Kende, J., Phalet, K., & Mesquita, B. (2023). Show me your friends, I'll tell you your emotions: Emotional fit of immigrant‐origin minority youth in cross‐cultural friendship networks. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(3), 1435-1452.

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