Linda Hummel MSc

Science practitioner/mental health psychologist/psychotherapist

TSB: Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
TSB: Tranzo


I completed Organization and Management Studies and the master Psychology and Mental Health at Tilburg University. I am a registered mental health psychologist (GZ-psychologist) and psychotherapist.

As a science practitioner within Tranzo, I connect my work as a  psychotherapist with scientific research. I am training to become a clinical psychologist at GGzE and I am a member of Topklas at RINO Groep. In addition, I am a senior lecturer in Intrapersonal Psychological Treatment at the postgraduate psychotherapy educational programme at RINO Zuid. I am a supervisor for the Dutch Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (VGCt), the Dutch Association for Schematherapy and I am registered as an EMDR practitioner with the Dutch Association for EMDR.

I am working on a PhD project on the implementation and use of artificial intelligence in mental health care. 




Mental health care

Implementation of artificial intelligence in mental health care


As a science practitioner within Tranzo, I collaborate with a team of data scientists at GGzE on the implementation of artificial intelligence in mental health care. 


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