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Update on protests on campus

Recently, gatherings and protests have taken place on our campus. On Wednesday May 22, Palestine Solidarity Tilburg started an encampment on campus. We understand and share the concerns and emotions that the war between Israel and Hamas brings. Please visit this page regularly for updates and relevant information. The Statement by the Executive Board on Discussions with Palestine Solidarity Tilburg can also be read here. We also share the process that has been set up around the Advisory Committee Collaborations.

On this page, you will find the latest news and information about how Tilburg University is addressing this situation. We aim to provide an inclusive and safe environment where students and staff feel free to express their opinions. Additionally, we remain committed to fostering dialogue and mutual understanding within our academic community.

If you have any concerns for any reason and would like assistance, find out the ways in which you can get support here.

Update June 14, 2024

Today, the independent Advisory Committee on Collaborations completed the first part of its work: formulating its assignment. The Executive Board has taken note of the assignment formulated by the independent committee itself and has approved it.

The Advisory Committee is an independent committee. The advisory committee will work on developing a human rights assessment framework. The committee is in contact with other Dutch universities and seeks collaboration where possible.

The Executive Board appreciates that the Advisory Committee on Collaborations is adding a working group that prioritizes the collaborations with partner universities in Israel. As soon as more information is available about the committee and working group’s advice and the subsequent decision by the Executive Board regarding the collaborations with partner universities in Israel, we will inform you.

Read the Assignment Formulation of the Advisory Committee on Collaborations here

Update June 14, 2024

Last night, Palestine Solidarity Tilburg announced that they would leave the encampment on their own initiative, after which they cleaned up the encampment themselves. This morning, all tents had been removed.

Update June 10, 2024

The rectors of Dutch universities have collectively written an open letter published in the Dutch newspaper Trouw. In this letter, they discuss both the importance of academic freedom and the necessity of taking academic responsibility. We summarize the main points of the letter here.

We previously shared how we, as a university, are transparent about the collaborations we have and aim to carefully weigh the implications of these collaborations. Read here how we approach this as a university.

Update June 6, 2024

Today, a delegation from Palestine Solidarity Tilburg was given speaking time in the University Council. They accepted the University Council's offer to speak during the Q&A session of the meeting. The University Council is planning a meeting to further discuss the information provided by PST.

Update May 29, 2024

Today, a meeting took place between Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board, Wim van de Donk, a delegation from Palestine Solidarity Tilburg (PST), and two staff members. In this meeting, the steps the university has taken and will take regarding the inventory of collaborations with Israeli universities were explained. We are transparent about the collaborations we have and want to carefully consider the implications of these collaborations. 

Read here how we are approaching this as a university

Update May 29, 2024

Today, the public road leading to the campus was briefly blocked due to an action by Palestine Solidarity Tilburg. The public road is not under the responsibility of the university, but it is important that visitors and emergency services can travel to and from the campus without obstruction. For this reason, the police spoke with PST, after which the obstruction was removed. 

Update May 28, 2024

Tuesday morning, a delegation from Palestine Solidarity Tilburg held a silent sit-in in front of the office of the Rector Magnificus/President. The sit-in proceeded peacefully, and education and research were not disrupted. Rector Magnificus and President Wim van de Donk spoke with the demonstrators and informed them that, according to a prior agreement, a substantive dialogue would be scheduled shortly. This dialogue with a delegation from PST will take place on Wednesday. Among other things, they will discuss the concrete steps the university has taken in response to the urgent questions from PST. We will keep you updated on this page.

Update May 24, 2024

Today, a protest by Palestine Solidarity Tilburg took place on campus. The protest once again proceeded peacefully. PST respected the university's request to avoid causing noise disturbances around buildings where exams were being held. We appreciate that PST, while exercising their right to demonstrate, took into account that education and research should be able to continue at all times.

As planned, in the afternoon, Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board, Wim van de Donk, visited the PST encampment to see how people are doing. A commitment was made that he would meet with PST again next week for further substantive discussion.

Update May 22, 2024

On May 22, the Executive Board shared a statement regarding the discussions with Palestine Solidarity Tilburg. Read the statement from the Executive Board here.

This afternoon, Palestine Solidarity Tilburg set up an encampment on campus. There are approximately twenty tents on the lawn between the library and the Mensa. The university has decided to tolerate this encampment as long as everyone adheres to the rules. The university is still in good consultation with the organization to ensure that everything proceeds peacefully. An important principle is that education and research can continue at all times.

Update May 21, 2024

Today, constructive discussions took place with a delegation from Palestine Solidarity Tilburg (PST). We are aware that PST plans to set up an encampment tomorrow. In close consultation with PST, we are doing everything possible to ensure this proceeds peacefully and safely. A response from the Executive Board to the discussions will follow on Wednesday, May 22.

Update May 17, 2024

On May 16, a demonstration by Palestine Solidarity Tilburg (PST) took place on campus during Night University. The demonstration proceeded peacefully. Security personnel were deployed to ensure that the demonstration could occur in a manner that was safe for both Night University visitors and the demonstrators. The Executive Board is currently engaging in a dialogue with PST.