
Program for Broad Prosperity

Our society is faced with significant societal issues. How do we ensure that we work in a social and smart way towards a society that is inclusive and sustainable for generations to come? How do we ensure that more people can work in the right place? How do we ensure the broad prosperity of the inhabitants without crossing the boundaries of our planet? Through academic collaborative centers, Tilburg University utilizes its expertise to contribute, in co-creation with societal partners, to the preservation and enhancement of broad prosperity. This applies not only to the present in the Netherlands but also extends to individuals beyond its borders and future generations.

program for broad prosperity

Interdisciplinary research themes

There are a number of interdisciplinary research themes on which the university will focus in the coming years, namely the climate and energy transition, the labor market, health and wellbeing, and inequality. Broad prosperity serves as a thematic guideline. Besides economic prosperity, it is about other aspects that people value now and in the future, such as the quality of nature and the environment, the state of education, the labor market, public health, poverty, and security. In short, it encompasses prosperity in a broad sense. It is important not only to consider the quality of life in the present but also the extent to which it may affect future generations or individuals elsewhere in the world.

Academic collaborative centers

Tilburg University has extensive experience working in academic collaborative centers at Tranzo. Complementing this experience, four interdisciplinary academic collaborative centers were established to develop knowledge that contributes to solutions for aforementioned societal themes. Characteristic of all Tilburg University academic collaborative centers is the multi-year, interdisciplinary collaboration in co-creation with businesses, governments, and other knowledge institutions, driven by a shared ambition.

Other initiatives Program for Broad Prosperity

In addition to the academic collaborative centers, other initiatives contribute significantly to Tilburg University's Program for Broad Prosperity.

Position paper

The position paper 'Working on broad prosperity. Together toward a future-proof world' describes the urgency and ambitions of Tilburg University's Program for Broad Prosperity, its relationship to Tilburg history and the eight interdisciplinary initiatives - mostly academic collaborative centers - that make up the program.


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