
CV de Wèèsneuze

Carnival is emotion! But above all it is about bonding, fellowship, equality, and caring. That is why Tilburg University has a carnival society: CV de Wèèsneuze (carnival society Smarty-Pants).

During carnival we connect with each other, with the city, the region and beyond. And connecting, that’s what CV de Wèèsneuze is all about. Even for those who didn’t learn to celebrate carnival at their mother’s knee. CV de Wèèsneuze welcomes anyone to whom carnival is second nature or who is curious about it, cares about the university, and also wants to be part of our academic community in this way.

Kruikenstad (The City of Jugs), Tilburg’s carnival name, boasts another carnival society. The first ever badge of CV de Wèèsneuze was presented on 11/11/21 to Opper Magnificus Wim van de Donk. It proudly graces his garb.

Oprichting CV de Wèèsneuze 11-11-2021

What does membership entail?

As a member of CV de Wèèsneuze you will be given a badge to wear on your carnival costume – regardless of where you celebrate carnival, be it in Tilburg or anywhere else. Wear the badge with pride and connect with others. We organize at least one activity every year. This year, it's a fantastic prelude to Carnival on February 8, 2024, with a performance by the popular Tilburg carnival group Veul Gère. But it's also a literal warm-up because interested Wèèsneuze can also get ready for the Carnival Volleyball Tournament by FOSST and Gepidae.

More about our activity

How can I join?

Membership of CV de Wèèsneuze is open to all staff, students, and alumni of Tilburg University. To join, you simply complete the registration form. You can then pick up your CV de Wèèsneuze badge on campus or ask that it will be send to you.

Your membership is an annual donation of €11,- to the Tilburg University Fund. Through our memberships we Wèèsneuze support everyone in the Tilburg University Community who needs a little extra help to achieve their goals and develop their talent.

Yes, I am joining

That badge... wèsdè?

Our badge shows the Siberian chipmunk that roams the woodlands skirting campus. But it is frequently spotted on campus, too. While not an indigenous species to Tilburg (as its name suggests, it hails from Siberia), the chipmunk has made the university its home. Which is why, as a true university creature, it is sporting a cap. It is holding two elements also found in the university logo: a book and a key. The book represents the form in which knowledge becomes available to all, and the key symbolizes unlocking knowledge, because that is the key to making knowledge meaningful. The colors are those of the university (blue and bronze) and of Kruikenstad (green and orange).

* wèsdè = what's that in the Tilburg dialect

CV de Wèèsneuze


Do you want to get the most out of your membership and become actively involved in CV de Wèèsneuze? Contact us at