Professional Learning - accoutant

Professional Learning

Post-Master Accountancy in English


The program prepares for the theoretical part of the Dutch Registered Accountant (RA) title. It can be finished in 2,5 years, parttime with classes on Fridays. The total study load is 76 credits according to the ECTS. This is excluding the applicable deficiency courses in Company Law, Tax Law, and Bookkeeping. 

The program tries to bridge the gap between practice and theory. An example of this is the internal control practical case that serves a dual purpose by being a module in the theoretical part of the accountancy education as offered by the PMAE as well as the practical part as offered by the student’s traineeship office. Another example is the problem-based nature of our classes, making use of cases taken from practice. Students' potentially tacit knowledge is activated as much as possible by means of focused in-class discussions with fellow students and lecturers. Testing takes place by means of a variety of instruments, including written exams, papers, oral exams, cases, and presentations. Individual as well as team performance is assessed. 

In January-April the study-load is strongly reduced because of the busy season at most of our students’ workplaces.