Professional Learning - accoutant

Professional Learning

Post-Master Accountancy in English

Faculty and staff

A team of renowned professors guides you through the latest developments in the various disciplines that are relevant to the accountancy profession. We always strive for a good balance between professors with a predominantly academic background and professors with a more practical background.

The team:

Jeannette Dekkers-Akkermans            Program manager PMA(E)
Prof.dr. Rob Fijneman RE RAProfessor of IT-auditing
Prof.dr. Guido Klüth RAProfessor of Auditing & Assurance
Prof.dr. Theo-Jan RenkemaProfessor of Data Analytics & Auditing
Prof.dr. Leo van der TasProfessor of Financial Accounting
Prof.dr. Eddy Vaassen RAProfessor of Accountancy and Director of the program