dr. Merel Noorman

dr. Merel Noorman

Assistant Professor

TLS: Tilburg Law School


Merel Noorman is assistant professor in AI, Robotics and STS at TILT. Her research interests include the governance and regulation of AI and robotics, with a particular focus on the responsible development and use of complex intelligent technologies. In her current work she also explores the relations between  AI and democracy. She studied artificial intelligence and science & technology studies at the University of Amsterdam and Edinburgh University and received her PhD from Maastricht University. Since then, she has co-initiated and worked on various research projects in the U.S. and the Netherlands, funded by the National Science Foundation, NWO-MVI, and the EU 5th framework program, looking at the ethical and social aspects of complex and intelligent computer technologies. She has also worked as advisor for the Dutch Council for Social Development (Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling) and was managing director for the software company VicarVision.


Recent publications

  1. AI and energy justice

    Noorman, M., Espinosa Apráez, B., & Lavrijssen, S. (2023). AI and energy justice. Energies, 16(5), 1-16. Article 2110.
  2. Computing and moral responsibility (substantive revision)

    Noorman, M. (2023). Computing and moral responsibility (substantive revision). In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy Stanford University. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/computing-responsibility/
  3. Democratising AI from a sociotechnical perspective

    Noorman, M. (2023). Democratising AI from a sociotechnical perspective. Paper presented at CPDP Conference 2023, Brussels.
  4. Democratizing AI from a sociotechnical perspective

    Noorman, M., & Swierstra, T. (2023). Democratizing AI from a sociotechnical perspective. Minds and Machines, 1-24. Advance online publication. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11023-023-09651-z
  5. Technologie is niet neutraal, dat zou Dijkgraaf moeten weten

    de Groot, A., Taylor, L., Noorman, M., de Souza, S., Meyers, G., & Broer, T. (2022). Technologie is niet neutraal, dat zou Dijkgraaf moeten weten. Web publication/site, . https://www.scienceguide.nl/2022/04/technologie-is-niet-neutraal-dat-zou-dijkgraaf-moeten-weten/

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