Event universiteit


Our university has several funds, grants and other funding opportunities for student and student associations and individual students. There are also national programs and funds you can apply for. You can think of a financial contribution for the promotion of events, an allowance for a study trip or financial support if your studies are delayed due to circumstances beyond your control. This page tells you which funds you can apply for and under which conditions.

Do you want to make your study or student association more sustainable?

Especially for study and student associations there is the possibility to make use of the 'Sustainability Fund'. The sustainability grant is awarded to associations that have a concrete idea to make the organization more sustainable and can use financial help. Check the TiGeAk website for more info.

External funds and funding opportunities

There are hundreds of private funds and foundations that administer inheritances and bequests for a variety of audiences. Many of these funds support students with financial difficulties. Sometimes you have to meet specific conditions, for example that you are not entitled (anymore) to receive 'studiefinanciering' (study grant). A complete overview can be found in the annually published Fondsenboek, available in bookstores or libraries.

On the website for Studying Mothers there is a comprehensive list of some 80 study funds, see Studiefondsen - studerende moeders

Individual study allowance for students with disabilities

Many students have a side job to pay for their studies. If you have a disability, earning on the side is often difficult. You may be entitled to individual study allowance. Individual study allowance is a helping hand to still follow or complete an education. Read more about the conditions and applications at www.tilburg.nl/studietoeslag.

Steun studenten in nood

Met het Noodfonds steun je studenten die in financiële problemen zijn gekomen, zoals bijvoorbeeld door de oorlog in Oekraïne of natuurrampen. Mede door jouw donaties kunnen zij zich focussen op waarvoor ze naar Tilburg University kwamen: hun studie.

Steun andere studenten