Studeren kan op vele plekken bij Tilburg University

What is OSIRIS?

OSIRIS Student is the student information system of Tilburg University. You can use it to view your study progress and handle various matters such as enrolling for courses and exams, as well as accessing your grades.

Registering for courses and viewing your schedule

What is the OSIRIS Case module?

OSIRIS Case is a module of OSIRIS in which students can start a process to submit an application. Currently, there are several processes that you can submit through OSIRIS Case:

In the future, there will be more cases that you can handle yourself through OSIRIS Case.


The advantage of OSIRIS Case is that the communication, assessment, and handling of the request are completely digital. This ensures that students and staff always have an overview of their position in the process, who is responsible for the next task, and when the process will be completed.

Want to learn more about OSIRIS Case?